by Ivan

Terms of membership in the Association, rights and obligations of its members

1. Members of the Association are village, settlement and city councils, as well as – as collective members – local associations of local self-government bodies, whose activities contribute to the fulfillment of the Association’s statutory tasks.

2. Membership in the Association is fixed.

3. Membership in the Association is voluntary.

4. Membership of the Association takes place on the basis of the decision of the session of the relevant village, settlement, city council. Membership begins after a decision is made by the Board of the Association. The decision of the Board is subject to its further approval by the General Meeting of authorized delegated representatives of the Association members.

5. Local associations can participate in the activities of the Association as collective members, in the manner and forms determined by the relevant statutes. To their decision to join the Association, they attach a copy of the state registration document and indicate the person who will represent the organization in the Association’s governing bodies.

6. Termination of membership in the Association may be voluntary or forced.

6.1. A member of the Association may terminate his membership at any time by decision of the relevant local council. This decision is submitted to the Board of the Association, which, by its decision, excludes the relevant village, settlement, city council from the membership of the Association. The decision of the Board is approved by the General Meeting of authorized delegated representatives of the Association’s members.

6.2. Forced termination of membership occurs in the event of:

repeated violation by a member of the Association of the requirements of the Association Charter;

conduct by a member of the Association of activities that the General Assembly of the Association considers to be incompatible with the purpose and statutory tasks of the Association;

a member of the Association commits actions that discredit the Association, cause it property or moral damage;

non-participation by a member of the Association in the work of the Association or non-participation in voting in the governing bodies of the Association personally or through a representative within one year;

non-payment of membership fees by a member of the Association for more than two years.

6.3. The decision on forced termination of membership in the Association is made by the Board with subsequent approval by the General Meeting of the authorized delegated representatives of the Association’s members. Termination of membership occurs from the moment of the decision of the Board. A member of the Association, in respect of whom the question of termination of membership is being considered, does not take part in the vote.

7. Members of the Association have the right to:

to participate through village, settlement, city heads or other authorized persons in the statutory activities of the Association;

to provide property or financial assistance to the Association;

to submit proposals for the consideration of management bodies regarding the activities of the Association;

entrust the Association with the representation of its interests and the protection of rights in accordance with the statutory tasks of its activity;

to receive methodical, legal and informational assistance in solving issues related to the interests of the territorial community;

apply to the management bodies of the Association with requests regarding its statutory activities and receive oral and written explanations;

freely terminate membership in the Association.

8. Members of the Association are obliged to:

to contribute to the achievement of the Association’s goals and objectives;

fulfill the requirements of this Charter;

to implement the decisions of the Association’s management bodies;

comply with the requirements of the Association’s management bodies regarding the procedure and conditions for using information that is confidential;

to submit information necessary for the Association to perform its statutory tasks;

promote the purpose and statutory tasks of the Association;

regularly pay membership fees.

9. Association members are represented in its governing bodies by village, settlement, city mayors or other persons authorized by the village, settlement, or city council.

Collective members of the Association exercise their rights and obligations through representatives determined in accordance with the requirements of the statute of the respective association and acting on the same rights as the regional branches.

In the event that a person authorized by a member of the Association to represent him in the management bodies of the Association loses his mandate, the village, settlement, city council or collective member of the Association shall designate another authorized person.

10. Representatives of the Association members have the right to:

elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Association with the right to a decisive vote;

make proposals regarding the Association’s activities;

to receive methodical, legal and informational assistance in solving issues related to the interests of territorial communities;

take part in:

a) meetings of state authorities at which issues related to local and regional development are considered;

b) resolving issues related to the Association’s activities at meetings of authorized representatives of the Association’s members or as part of its management bodies in the manner determined by this Statute;

c) events held by the Association.